While I cannot remember off the top of my head which pharmaceutical commercial the post title comes from, it is indeed a brand new day. With a black man accepting the Democratic Party nomination on the 45th anniversary of MLK's historic speech, and a woman being named as a vice president for the Republican Party, things are changing.

Like others, I was not always involved in politics. This is mostly due to the fact that I had no reason to be involved in politics. I had a job, paid income tax on my 3,000 year and got it all back. Oh, and I was mooching off my parents at the time so had no real expenses, save my slurpee habit.

With the ever-increasing primary season, I have had to ask, why? No, not why Fred Thompson (Dun-Dun), but why so long. It was clear almost from the beginning who the top candidates would be. (Sorry Ron Paul, maybe that "no IRS thing" will work next time) All that happened was a great waste of money that campaign contributors will never get back.

I did get to see Chelsea Clinton and Bill Clinton speak at the local University during the campaign. Eh, I've had better motivational speeches from RonCo.

I can't wait for the Republican National Convention because then the left wing nutjobs will have a chance to respond to the right wing nutjobs and we will all be so incredibly tired of this damn election process that the Elephant Man-Iceman ticket will seem like a good idea because we wont remember hearing anything bad about them like how many houses they have or how they are a Muslim sympathizer......I am going to sleep till January.

New office? My own new office? That’s right, for the time being I am housed in an echoey office (not sure if that’s a word). However the new digs are nice, but I don’t know if I enjoy working for a living. Yes it is still basically a state job, but one that requires me to produce “work” units. How strange. I am waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and tell me I got pimp’d or pick’d or whatever. We’ll see. At least I would get to meet Demi Moore…

It is official. School is done for the summer. Now I have three weeks before Fall Semester to finish my honeydo list. Speaking of my honey, she asked me to pose a question about my last post. In that post I mentioned something about being "wont" to do something. When she read that she made fun of me. After I proved the definition of the word using the Internet, she continued to poke fun at me and said that no one uses that word like that in this day and age. With texting and blogging all the rage I shall finish this blog post accordingly.

OMG, I was LMAO when you GED's were looking at him. IDK what you were thinking. ;-) BRB, /b/ :::: @-->--- OSC! LOL

ugh. I can't do it. TTFN.