No, not a pirates pumpkin patch. The wretched patch of dirt on the side of my house (my hizzie, if you will, and no, I won't) where the missus and I have planted some food stuffs. What I didn't realize, is how much I actually care that the stuff grows. And how much trouble it is to make sure that it does. Constant watering and tending to it. Then I'm supposed to thin them out when they get two inches tall. It took me forever to grow them, why would I pull them out?
Oh, and up until most recently it was even an organic garden. Some miracle grow accidentally fell on it. stay tuned.

So here it is, I guess that some of it is doing well. That's corn in the back there. We also have peppers, a dead tomato plant, some cucumbers, and some peas 'n beans.
The peas are the ones in the front that have actually graced us with their presence. (bang up photography by the way)

On the other side where are the pumpkins. Or at least where the pumpkins eventually will be. and yes that is our unfinished rock path there as well. We are still getting a general idea of where we want to place the stones. I think we will leave them there for the season and see if we like them. The nice thing about this is we can change our mind if we want and move them, no effort wasted.
Yet aside from my dreadfully boring gardening story, I will think about putting up some pictures of my basement. the boss and I have started putting up some of the drywall and it is actually starting to look like an actual room. We are going to have a lot of mudding to do.

I was so sad when I heard the news, David Archuleta, Utah's native son, came in second place. Tragedy. Actually I never watched an episode of this seasons show. Or last seasons, or the one before that, or the one before that. The only ones that are worth watching are the first few episodes wherein the bad singers who actually think they are good singers perform for simon, paula, and randy. Does it bother anyone else that simon is consistently the only one on the show with an original thought? Their season planning meeting must go something like this:

Simon: (eastenders british accent) Thank you all for coming, lets get this atrocity moving.

Randy: Yo, Dawg, it's been so long.

Simon: *sigh*

Paula: (laugh-crying hysterically) I had to clean up the diarrhea! I need help!

Simon: *sigh*

Seacrest: (holding pen as a microphone) This is set to be an amazing meeting. We have the all the big players here tonight, with a special guest appearance from (squinting, looking for cue cards) Dammit, who is our special guest?

Simon: *sigh*

Paula: Why do we have to have these meetings so early? I was in bed, my neck! Whats that buzzing noise?

Randy: Yo Dawg, thats the phone.

Paula: Where is my assistant to answer the phone? I have been asked to choreograph for the Bratz movie! I need help!

Simon: *sigh* We have gotten some good work done today. Ryan, I thought I told you that Neil Sedaka was not going to be here...

Seacrest: (touching flag lapel pin) Seacrest Out!

Randy: (taking fern leaves out of Paula's mouth) Yo Dawg! this ain't your house!

Paula: Where am I?

Simon: *sigh*

At least thats how I imagine it in my head. I dont know what worries me more, the fact that I imagine it, or the fact that it is so believable.

What worries me even more is the fact that Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Justice Antonin Scalia were all buddies during the Nixon administration? They apparently thought that the office of the Executive had lost some of it's powerful luster. Old news but just as interesting, they still pal around. And you thought it was dangerous to go hunting with the Vice-President.

(and yes, I know that's Ford in the middle)

I had to post this video because it made me laugh. I now have the chorus downloaded on my computer. When my supervisor walks in, I play it. He usually looks at me funny then leaves.

It really makes no sense, but then again, I am not a native of Japan. Perhaps there are different cultural norms there that I don't understand. However I do understand how annoying it is when your pizza toppings ignore you. When they turn their back on you, it's just awful. Oh well, I've switched to Chinese food anyway.

I am about to disappear for the next six or seven weeks. This is due in part to a mechanism of my own creation, namely my gluttony for educational punishment. I have spent this beautiful spring day holed up inside on the couch, cuddled up with one of the classics. Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials, 12th ed. Oh Freakin' Yeah! I will be enjoying a classroom discussion-like "classroom discussion" about said reading materials tonight. Hereafter referred to as "class." Lest I vex your sunny spring day, don't worry. Tomorrow the class experience will be much different. Organizational Culture and Behavior. Times will be even better, as now I can shake the drudgery of our Nations Constitution, and delve feet first (always delve responsibly) (with a lifeguard whenever possible) (now back to our story) into Organizational Behavior.
Although I think I may be onto why they call it a "morning constitutional."

It was Jim Croce who first wanted to keep time in a bottle. At least he was the first to write a song about it. Have you ever had a moment in your life that was so special that you wanted to hold onto in forever? There are the obvious answers, your wedding day, your first kiss, poppin' out the chillins...etc. Everyone probably has one moment in their life that is the most special. So special that it trumps all of those.

I think that that moment is not one of those big moments. It is all about the small things. Being recognized for something special, having someone remember your favorite ice cream flavor, someone ask how your day was. These small things are what make all the difference.

Such is the burden of being a mother. As I suffer from having an XY chromosome deficiency, I may never know what it is to be a mother. However, the bouts of momnesia, expert placing of band-aids and kisses, making lunches, shuttling kids to various locations, shoulders to cry on, Sunday dinners, constant worry, and numerous other things, are greatly appreciated. Not to put my own mother on the spot, but thanks for everything. Yes, everything. Even those things that at the time seemed so, OMG.


In order to be completely random, one must be unpredictable. If I were to think of a "random" thought, I would need to clear my mind of all thought, and think of something random. Easier said than done. For most sentient beings, at least those not in Hollywood, clearing the mind of thought is difficult. Ask the Dalai Lama. Also, when you are finally able to clear your mind, and then think of something instantly, it would not be completely random. the mere process of randomly thinking requires processed thought.
Say you were to think "apple." wow that was random. Nope, actually you read about apples in a friends blog post yesterday. Yep, even in my explanation of random, I have confirmed exactly what I am talking about. I think.
On a completely different note, in 1803 the US Supreme court issued a decision finding that William Marbury had is constitutional rights violated and that he should have them remedied. Boring right. NO! This also found that the supreme court was the supreme court in the land and they were the sole interpreters of the constitution. Wow. If it wasn't for Marbury v. Madison, who knows where we would be. Yes folks, be prepared for a summer semester of constitutional law. Constitutional Fever...Catch it!
They did.