I am about to disappear for the next six or seven weeks. This is due in part to a mechanism of my own creation, namely my gluttony for educational punishment. I have spent this beautiful spring day holed up inside on the couch, cuddled up with one of the classics. Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials, 12th ed. Oh Freakin' Yeah! I will be enjoying a classroom discussion-like "classroom discussion" about said reading materials tonight. Hereafter referred to as "class." Lest I vex your sunny spring day, don't worry. Tomorrow the class experience will be much different. Organizational Culture and Behavior. Times will be even better, as now I can shake the drudgery of our Nations Constitution, and delve feet first (always delve responsibly) (with a lifeguard whenever possible) (now back to our story) into Organizational Behavior.
Although I think I may be onto why they call it a "morning constitutional."