I had to post this video because it made me laugh. I now have the chorus downloaded on my computer. When my supervisor walks in, I play it. He usually looks at me funny then leaves.

It really makes no sense, but then again, I am not a native of Japan. Perhaps there are different cultural norms there that I don't understand. However I do understand how annoying it is when your pizza toppings ignore you. When they turn their back on you, it's just awful. Oh well, I've switched to Chinese food anyway.


Dynamic Chiropractic said...

This is really funny! And I don't doubt that your supervisor looks at you like a freak when you play it. I thought I had stumbled onto the wrong blog, 3 post in one week, Gary you make a sister proud!

Cameron's Corner said...

I had a Pirate song forwarded to me that sounded similar to the Spongebob opening song. It would automatically repeat itself, so one day I logged into my computer, started the song loop, adjusted the volume so only the people in offices adjacent to mine could hear it, closed and locked my door, and left for 8 hours of training. It was awesome. I'll try to find the song.

Cameron's Corner said...

Found it:


Imagine this being on an endless loop that you were forced to listen to... faintly... all day long.