I was tagged on Jeanine Brown's blog , alas here it goes.
The rules:
1.Go to your document/pictures file on your computer
2.Go to the 6th file
3.Go to the 6th picture
4. Blog about that picture
5. Tag 6 other people
Here's my picture:
This was from christmas day, we got a new camera. You can really see the macro effect from the lens here and it gives you a chance to imbibe the larger things in life. It really makes you realize how small and insignificant we are compared to everything else in the universe...are you there God, it's me Mar.... uh sorry, either that or we were still figuring out the camera.
as for passing it on, I leave that up to you, the viewers at home.
p.s. don't worry about the satanic overtones of the 6th pic in the 6th file passed on to 6 people. I'm sure it's merely chainblog coincidence.
as for passing it on, I leave that up to you, the viewers at home.
p.s. don't worry about the satanic overtones of the 6th pic in the 6th file passed on to 6 people. I'm sure it's merely chainblog coincidence.