I have decided that I am at a distinct advantage when I comes to blog posting. Having no really interesting life stories to tell and no children of my own whose pictures I can exploit on the web, I got nothin'.

What I do have is sunshine in my soul as the spring 2008 semester has drawn to a close. I think it was a stick figure. However I am fully briefed on the issues of national healthcare policy and how to resourcefully manage humans.

I will now commence enjoying a two week (almost) reprieve from school. I think I will try to watch some of the movies from my Netflix Queue. I have been woefully neglectful of the movies there. I have kept some at home for nearly a month before finally watching them. That defeats the purpose of the three at a time program which I currently enjoy.

Enough about me though. Wait, a blog is supposed to be self-centric. Which brings me back to my initial lamentation. I am uninteresting, but have a head full of useless facts and figures with which I can regale you.

I can't think of any now. Damn. Back to square one.

Maybe I will tell you a story. I have come so far working on my novel but have suffered from

writers block. Oh well. No one wants to hear about a galaxy far, far, away and a long time ago. Although the past-future is so much more technologically advanced. Why, when those people found earth did they send the dumb ones to start our planet? They flew here in freakin' spaceships and started fire with sticks. Talk about gettin' the short end.

I guess I will end with the postulation, not promise that the next little while could result with a few more blog posts. Perhaps in the interim between posts I will create a family. A superfamily of sorts. One where there are many women to conceive and raise my children. They will all look the same and wear white plastic uniforms. And these small versions of me, these "clones" will be at my command to do my bidding. We will be able to dominate the universe...


Dynamic Chiropractic said...

Sorry that's been done, Warren Jeffs has been arrested and I don't think you would have much luck in trying to "remake that movie". You know a lot of really big words. You should write about nothing more often, it is nice to come to a blog and see a fresh post! I implore my whole family to try to post at least once a week, put some pictures of your pet children up, my kids would love that! P.S. your friend Cameron (I ass-u-me he is your friend) is really funny.
Love Marci (your awesome sister who blogs thrice weekly)

James said...

Dont you mean distinct disadvantage. You need to proof