I amazed myself. I know. Though I don't have any amazing raccoon stories, nor do I have copious amounts of information regarding the dangers of fluoride, I do have good news. No, I didn't save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico, (No hyperlink there, they are neither friend nor foe) I am done with classes for Constitutional Law. Hooray! I still need to write a large paper and I am not looking forward to it.
Here's the thing about the blog, I think of things all the time to write about. Amazing things, incredible things, things which neither man nor beast will ever understand. However, I am never near a computer and able to freeform it right then and there. If my memory serves me correctly, it doesn't. Thus, as I sit to write a blog post, I think to myself, what was that thing I was going to write about? Was it about sitting down on a already warm toilet seat? no..... Was it about techniques used to appear working when you are not? could be...... It may have been more pictures of my garden......

I regularly visit a few blogs and I am consistently impressed with the amount of consistent dedication by the blogs author who manage to produce posts on an incredibly regular basis. Kudos to them.
I guess they find it easy as they have something to be passionate about. I on the other hand am passionate about not being passionate. The occasion is rare when I drag the dusty soapbox out of the garage where it has acted as a makeshift sprinkler repair workshop. I stand and deliver a short but sweet tirade careful not to unnecessarily offend. Therein may lie the issue. Perhaps a lesson from the sprinkler box is called for more often. Not that any would particularly care, but I may feel better about it.
Hmmm.... If I could just find someone to yell at...